The Quarate Castle



The Castle of Quarate has ancient origins, the first records date back to 1098 and stands on a Roman fortress which was later expanded for defensive purposes in the Lombard period.

The complex consists of a residential structure flanked by a tower and another tower, placed at about ten meters from the building, with a characteristic olive tree which has grown on the top. Nearby, a small chapel is dedicated to the Archange St. Michael, which today, unfortunately, is in ruins.

The castle belonged to the Quaratesi family, natives of the area, from which it took its name, a property that was maintained until 1534.

An ancient parchment was recently rediscovered in the gateway to the court, and affirms that the Quaratesi took shelter in the castle to seek refuge from the plague of 1523.

Questa porta fàcione fare madonna Oretta et madonna Camilla, figliole di Andrea Quaratesi, l’anno 1523 del mese di septembre, quando fuggirono la morìa di Quarata. Lavoròlla mastro Battista legnaiolo a Monte et è la porta d’olmo.

The Quarate complex is privately owned and cannot be visited.

How to get

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  • Quarate Castle

    Quarate Castle

  • Quarate Castle

  • Quarate Castle

  • Quarate Castle

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