Charging stations for electric vehicles


Four stations for charging electric vehicles have been installed in the Bagno a Ripoli Municipality.

Here is where you can find them:
• The I Ponti Parking Area in Bagno a Ripoli;
• Piazza Umberto 1 in Grassina;
• Costa al Rosso Parking in Grassina;
• Parco della Resistenza Area in Antella (on the corner of via Carnia).

They have been built in accordance with the new safety regulations to prevent vandalism and improper use and are safe as they recognize if the method of transport is linked to an electric vehicle (and it is only in this case that the plug will provide energy).

Means of transport must be adapted to the new safety standards that call for 4-pin sockets. If the vehicle has a socket of a different type, users should consult with electric vehicle retailers who will provide the adjustment: it is the only way the vehicle will be able to take energy from the newly installed municipal columns.

The means of transport that can be charged are:
• assisted bicycles;
• electric scooters;
• three or four wheels vehicles (up to a maximum of 3 kw).

To use the charging stations you must:
go to the Town Hall, provide your details and collect the keys for the opening/closing of the columns.

Instructions for charging your vehicle:

To connect:
• open the polycarbonate door using the supplied key;
• take care to connect the flexible hose to the dispenser socket only after having passed it through the bracket clips (found below), as is clearly indicated on the dispenser’s label;
• connect the vehicle to the dispenser plug making sure, with the indicator light, that it is active;
• close the polycarbonate door using the supplied key.

To disconnect:
• open the polycarbonate door with the supplied key;
• unplug the vehicle socket from the dispenser plug;
• close the polycarbonate door using the supplied key.

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