“Social choir” of the Grassina Philharmonic and Choir Society of Mutual Aid



The Philharmonic and Choir Society was formed, by popular spontaneous initiative, in the last decades of 1800s. Over time, the Choir maintained its amateur character, always accompanied by great commitment until the Second World War, which, among the many ruins, caused even the disappearance of the choir and the philharmonic as musical groups.

It was in 1985, through the initiative and commitment of the late maestro Gino Ravenni, the Social Choir was reconstituted according to its original features. This old and new formation now has about fifty choristers; It has a polyphonic character and a varied program, which mainly includes a repertoire, sacred music singing and folk songs with particular reference to regional and mountain traditions.

With the recent and renewed interest for choral events, the S.M.S.F.C. Social Choir has been properly organized and prepared, especially for the enthusiasm of its members, who, in a short time, have reached highly regarded interpretive levels. The choir is prepared and directed by Ms Ginko Yamada who combines her considerable professional capability with her sensitivity, easily recognizable in the delicate nature of her direction and suggestive piano accompaniment. The choir works so that the music has a maximum diffusion amongst people and sees it as one of the highest expressions of the human soul, a universal language, capable of overcoming historical, cultural and religious differences among people, a unifying and educational element which arouses strong feelings, enthusiasm and joy for all.

Of significant importance, both in musical and socio-cultural terms are the “Music on the Square” events organized annually since 2003. In November 2015, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of its reconstitution, the Choir is organizing a major evocative event, a staged opera representation with an orchestra and soloists of Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana.


The choir is ready to organize music nights, with the participation of other artists (tenors, basses, sopranos, altos, musicians, orchestra, …) requiring a contribution based on the agreed program and the artists required.


CORO SOCIALE DI GRASSINA – Piazza Umberto I° n. 13 – Grassina

Presidente: Franco Zombi – Cell. 348 7364 018 – email: presidente@coralecdpgrassina.it

Direttore: Ginko Yamada – Cell. 347 6810 997

Sito web: http://www.coralecdpgrassina.it – email: info@coralecdpgrassina.it

Facebook: Coro Sociale Grassina


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