Il Poderino, Il Misciano and il Miscianone


The first building on the right, called il Poderino, belonged to the church of San Quirico. Here for nearly a century has lived the Fantappiè family, whose members were and are called ‘Misciano’ and even il Poderino was commonly referred to by this name.

The house of ‘Misciano’ contrasted with that of ‘Miscianone’, indicating the location il Ramerino (in Via Roma tra La Fonte and Via la Martellina), here too, until recently, lived a Fantappiè family. In 1761, in one of the farmhouses of il Ramerino, lived a “Carlo Fantapiè” and the house and the nearby bridge over the ravine of Bigallo were indicated by ‘… di Misciano’. This combination has, in all likelihood, given the nickname to the family that still indicates its descendants.
Misciano is a name of Latin origin which, according to some scholars, comes from the name Messius, while others associate it with the verb miscere which would indicate a place full of water.

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