Grassina Historical Commemoration



The historical commemoration of Good Friday at Grassina dates back to the first decades of the seventeenth century, according to a popular tradition which has also been documented by historical records. This commemoration was exclusively a religious rite, which in those times took place in many parts of Central and Southern Europe as a pious act of devout thanksgiving for having been liberated from the scourges of war and the bubbonic plague, known as the “Black Death”.

As time passed, a spectacular element of great effect was also added to the mystical feeling, with strong psychological motivations and a setting in natural scenario of rare charm.

Suspended during the war years, the commemoration was resumed in a further enriched version in 1950, and it continued until 1966, the year that Florence was hit by the disastrous flood. Seventeen years later a group of volunteers from Grassina proposed a new script and also new music. so as to give it a more modern, simple and fundamental aspect.

The performance consists of two phases: first, an historical parade, by about 500 people dressed in period costumes, through the streets of the town; and then, scenes from the Christ’s life, followed by His Passion on the Calvary, interpreted by about one hundred actors.

The Play

The 500 figures in custom that compose the historical parade of the manifestation give more life to one of the moments represented in the evening.
Exiles figures, powerful soldiers and centurions, roman women, the picture of the robbers, the majestic horses makes the frame to a Christ who waves and suffers in the ninety minutes of distance of the Way Crucis. The arrival in proximity of the Calvary is the prelude to the fusion of the two events before separated (parade and scenes), that the coordination of a tested direction every year succeeds to integrate with ability and suggestion.
The 100 figures that in the evening and in the lights of the marvellous grassinese hill move like shadows, and actors on the natural stage between small streets, walls, ginestre and olive trees, represent a landscape and one scenic representation appreciated more times long applauded from men and women protagonists of the Italian show; the positive appraisals expressed from the big master Franco Zeffirelli, Giorgio Albertazzi, Carla Fracci and from the director Beppe Menegatti are remembered on purpose.
Only some theatre sagacities on a natural scene, create that evocative harmony of colors, sounds and lights that a lot hit the spectator who, for first time participates to the representation, but that they never ends to astonish them.
The dialogues and the text is freely taken from Matteo’s, Luca’s and Giovanni’s Gospels. Musics by Dvorak, Orff, Haendel, Grieg, Bach, Wagner, Greens, Stravinskij, Beethoven, Faure, Malher, Albinoni.


Grassina Passion Play is organized by:
Centro Attività Turistica Grassina
Via Dante Alighieri, 11 50012 Grassina (FI)
Phone/Fax +39 055 646051
Mobile +39 333 8270007


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  • Rievocazione Storica di Grassina

  • Rievocazione Storica

  • Rievocazione Storica

  • Rievocazione Storica

  • Rievocazione Storica

  • Rievocazione Storica

  • Rievocazione Storica

  • Rievocazione Storica

  • Rievocazione Storica

  • Rievocazione Storica

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