Coop21 Social Cooperative



Coop. 21 is a social cooperative founded in 2006 that works in the design and management of social, educational and cultural services. It proposes to pursue the general interest of the community, the promotion of the human and social integration of citizens, all while working in view of developing active and competent local communities.

The main objective of the cooperative is that of building an integrated system of services which work effectively on the prevention of poverty in all its forms, starting from the real needs detected in the area with special attention to vulnerable and disadvantaged groups because of physical, social and economic conditions.

Coop. 21 Social cooperative is accredited as a Tuscan Region Training Agency and has long been engaged in the design of training courses aimed at young people and adults.

Coop. 21 adopts the Management System for Quality compliant to ISO regulation 9001.

Services offered

Training Agency

Compulsory training courses aimed at children who drop out of school

Professional qualification courses in social-health sector

Mandatory legal courses (safety, food hygiene)

Refresher courses and training

Mandatory training for apprentices

Services for children

Summer day and residential camps

Supplementary elementary school time

Outreach education for adolescents and young people

Workshops in schools

Educational assistance

Learning Support

Leisure courses

Games centers

Youth centers


Guidance and counselling services

Carer offices (meeting demand and supply of family support)

Psychology and well-being space

Work info offices

Informtheyoung offices

Contact us

Coop.21 cooperativa sociale

Via Gualdrada, 15/17 – 50125 Ponte a Ema (FI)

Tel 055 630089 – Fax 055 643009




  • Coop 21

    Progetti nelle scuole

  • Formazione professionale per ragazzi (Op. Elettrico)

  • Formazione professionale per ragazzi (Op Agricolo)

  • Formazione professionale per adulti

  • Educativa di Strada

  • Centri di aggregazione per ragazzi

  • Animazioni ed eventi

  • Servizi per bambini

  • Logo

  • Progetto Adesso Tu

  • Gestione sportello infopoint Giovanisì

La redazione del giornale