Contrada Alfiere Cultural Association



The Contrada Alfiere Cultural Association has its headquarters in Via Poggio della Pieve 1 in Bagno a Ripoli.

Its name comes from the fact that in ancient times the base where the guards stayed could be found in the territory: the responsibility delegated to them was the patrol of the roads through the countryside and hills to prevent theft and looting.

The main objective of the Association is to contribute to the dissemination of Renaissance culture thanks to its 3 groups:


The group was founded in 1981 from an idea of ​​Luciano Artusi and with great accuracy and historical relevance attempts to recover the habits and customs of the Renaissance courts. The dances re-proposed by our group are part of the fifteenth and sixteenth century Italian and French repertoire.

It’s one of the first groups of the genre founded in Italy.


The musicians group was founded in 1991, as an accompaniment to the parades and performances of the Ballet.

It consists of drums (snare and imperial) and clarions (trumpets without pistons).

The drums are still made and decorated by hand.


The flag throwers group is the youngest in the Contrada, founded in December 2003.

It seeks to recover the ancient flag games introduced by flag bearers in battle to communicate orders to soldiers, or the throws used to safeguard the flag in case of danger; as well as those carried out during festivals.

The Contrada Alfiere offers its expertise to public and private institutions or individual citizens who want to organize an event with a Renaissance theme, or simply a ceremony to confer a tone of elegance and good taste from yesteryear.

It can offer flag throwers, musicians (drums and trumpets), dancers and extras, both individually and for a parade.

Each year we raise funds to drive our initiatives forward, organizing the “Sagra delle Frittelle” (The Pancake Festival)

Founded more than 30 years ago, the event takes place on the 6 weekends before Easter.


Associazione Culturale Contrada Alfiere
Via Poggio della Pieve 1
Bagno a Ripoli (FI)
Web Site:
Mobile: +39 333 476 3482

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  • Associazione Culturale

    Contrada Alfiere

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  • Contrada Alfiere

  • Contrada Alfiere

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