The tabernacle of Bencistà


The tabernacle documented since the sixteenth century has suffered the fate of the many spread throughout countryside: tampered with and damaged by vandals who care little about how much these objects of worship contribute to enriching the cultural and historical heritage of the area. In the upper recess, which was protected by a gate with an iron grille, stood the statue of the Madonna in terracotta.
In a manuscript from the nineteenth century we find this description of the tabernacle, which was named after the SS Concezione: “In the recess in a winged pillar of an isolated wall, enclosed by a wooden lattice protected by wire is an ancient terracotta statuette  … Its conservation is ensured by the Bartolini Baldelli Guiducci, owners of the land.” [Torrigiani, vol. V, Ricordi religiosi (Religious Memories) Saint Lucia a Terzano].

In more recent years the pastor of Terzano celebrated Mass for the Rogations (a blessing of the countryside which was made in April, upon the anniversary of Saint Mark).

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